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What are the Different IP Ratings in Dust and Water Resistance?

What are the different IP Ratings

What are the different IP Ratings

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IP ratings, or “Ingress Protection” ratings, classify and define the degree of protection provided against the intrusion of solid objects and water in electrical enclosures or mechanical casings. The IP rating is typically represented by the letters “IP” followed by two digits (e.g., IP68).

Ingress is the process by which a foreign material such as dust, powder or moisture enters inside something. The process is slow but causes heavy damage to the object.

How to Identify IP Ratings?

The first digit indicates protection against solids, like dust and particles, on a scale from 0 to 6:

The second digit denotes the degree of protection against water on a scale from 0 to 9:

For instance, an IP68 rating signifies complete dust protection (6) and the ability to withstand continuous immersion in water beyond 1 meter (8), though the specific depth and duration might vary depending on the device or product.

It’s important to note that the interpretation of these ratings might slightly differ based on the device or product being rated, so checking the manufacturer’s specifications is crucial for accurate information.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What does IP54 mean?

    IP or Ingress Protection rating of 54 means it gives

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