The Indian Parliament was Just Attacked with Gas Bombs

On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, two individuals, one male and one female threw "yellow and red gas bombs" inside the parliament when a discussion was going on.
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On Wednesday, December 13, 2023, two individuals, one male and one female threw “yellow and red gas bombs” inside the parliament when a discussion was going on. The two individuals who were spotted with the gas bombs were nabbed by the Police.

Parliament Attack 2023 Source Zee News Live
Parliament Attack 2023 Source Zee News Live

Congress’s Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury said that the perpetrators were nabbed by MPs first and then by security forces. MP Gurjeet Singh Aujla was one of the MPs who acted bravely and nabbed the perpetrators.

It is alleged that idea was to disrupt the proceedings or make a media stunt. However, it was still a grievous security lapse.

How did they enter?

There was a pass issued by Lok Sabha MP from Mysore, Pratap Simha for Sagar Sharma. The protestors entered the parliament through visitors gallery.

Yet, this was a grevious security lapse as the yellow gas bomb which they carried might have been poisonous and could have caused more damage than the 2001 Parliament attacks.

Police Response

  • Perpetrators were arrested and later brought to Parliament Street police station in Delhi.
  • Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora reached the parliament after the attack.
  • CRPF SG Anish Dayal Singh also arrived at the Parliament in late afternoon.
  • FSL Teams have also arrived at the incident.
  • Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla said 4 people were being investigated.
  • It later came out that there were 6 people involved and 5 of them stayed at a place in Gurugram before entering Delhi.

The Perpetrators of 2023 Parliament Attack

2023 Parliament Security Incident Perpetrators
2023 Parliament Security Incident Perpetrators

Five of the 6 perpetrators came from outside of Delhi and stayed at one place in Gurugram before proceeding to Delhi. The house allegedly belongs to Lalit Jha, who is assumed as the master planner of the incident.

They entered the Parliament from the guest pass of Mysore MP Pratap Simha. The pass was issued to Sagar Sharma,

1. Amol Shinde, 25, from Latur, Maharashtra

It was reported that Amol Shinde was an army aspirant and was depressed because of his failure to join the army.

He hailed from Zari village, Chakur Tehsil, District Latur. Amol is the youngest of 4 siblings.

Before going to Delhi, he said to his parents that he was going for a recruitment drive.

2. Sagar Sharma, Lucknow

Sagar Sharma, a resident of Lucknow who was a part-time e-rickshaw driver was the one who jumped inside the parliament and was later nabbed my MPs.

3. Neelam, Hisar, Haryana,

The woman, Neelam, who was one of the attackers was heard shouting “Samvidhaan Bachao” or save the constitution which has been a narrative of opposition parties. She was also seen sloganeering vaguely on a lot of issues related to women, Manipur, dictatorship, etc.

Earlier, Neelam has been witnessed asking votes from Congress. She also has been an active participant in several protests which is termed as Andolan Jeevi (आंदोलन जीवी) , or people who thrive on protests.

Source: TV9 Bharatvarsh

They were arrested and later brought to Parliament Street police station in Delhi.

4. Manoranjan D, Engineer, Mysore

Manoranjan was the one who jumped into the parliament along with Sagar Sharma.

5. Lalit Mohan Jha

Lalit Mohan Jha, a co-conspirator of the incident was arrested by Delhi Police on 14 Nov 2023. It was his house where 5 of the 6 perpetrators met before executing the indicent.

2001 Parliament Attacks

Read: All Details of 2001 Parliament Attacks

The incident reminds us of a parliament attack in 2001 when on 13 Dec 2001, terrorists trained from Pakistan attacked the Indian Sansad Bhawan. The incident resulted in the deaths of 4 Indians, and all the 5 attackers. The injured personnel which included press, officers and security staff were 18 in number.

This attack triggered a military standoff between India and Pakistan in 2002.

Trial and Judgement of 2001 Parliament Attacks

The 3 main perpetrators of the attack received death sentences.

  1. Afzal Guru
  2. Shaukat Hassan
  3. SAR Geelani

Another accused Navjot Sandhu was acquitted of all charges except under Sec 123 IPC and was convicted. She received 5 years rigorous imprisonment and a fine also was imposed.

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