Asana Mantra

The asana mantra is chanted before sitting on an asana for puja.
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This is the asana mantra that I have seen my grandfather read before performing daily puja.

पृथिव्या, मेरु पृष्ठ ऋषिः।
सुतलं छन्दः कूर्मो देवता।
पृथ्वीत्वया धृता लोका देवि त्वं।
विष्णुना धृता, त्वंच धारयामाम्।
देवि पवित्रं कुरु सासनम्।

Meaning of the Asana Mantra

पृथिव्या, मेरु पृष्ठ ऋषिः।

Oh mother Earth, and sacred Meru Mountain.

सुतलं छन्दः कूर्मो देवता।

One of the seven lower worlds. Borne by the Kurma Devata.

पृथ्वीत्वया धृता लोका देवि त्वं।

Mother Earth, by your boon, all worlds are borne.

विष्णुना धृता, त्वंच धारयामाम्।

Goddes Earth, you are borne by Vishnu (Varaaha Avatar), we are sustaining.

देवि पवित्रं कुरु सासनम् |

Oh devi Earth, please make this place holy.